Source code for

# Copyright 2021 The Layout Parser team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict, Tuple

import pdfplumber
import pandas as pd

from ..elements import Layout
from .basic import load_dataframe


def extract_words_for_page(
) -> Layout:
    """The helper function used for extracting words from a pdfplumber page

        Layout: a layout object representing all extracted pdf tokens on this page. 
    if extra_attrs is None:
        extra_attrs = ["fontname", "size"]

    tokens = page.extract_words(

    df = pd.DataFrame(tokens)
    if len(df) == 0:
        return Layout()
    df[["x0", "x1"]] = (
        df[["x0", "x1"]].clip(lower=0, upper=int(page.width)).astype("float")
    df[["top", "bottom"]] = (
        df[["top", "bottom"]].clip(lower=0, upper=int(page.height)).astype("float")

    page_tokens = load_dataframe(
                "x0": "x_1",
                "x1": "x_2",
                "top": "y_1",
                "bottom": "y_2",
                "fontname": "type",  # also loading fontname as "type"

    return page_tokens

[docs]def load_pdf( filename: str, load_images: bool = False, x_tolerance: int = 1.5, y_tolerance: int = 2, keep_blank_chars: bool = False, use_text_flow: bool = True, horizontal_ltr: bool = True, vertical_ttb: bool = True, extra_attrs: Optional[List[str]] = None, dpi: int = DEFAULT_PDF_DPI, ) -> Union[List[Layout], Tuple[List[Layout], List["Image.Image"]]]: """Load all tokens for each page from a PDF file, and save them in a list of Layout objects with the original page order. Args: filename (str): The path to the PDF file. load_images (bool, optional): Whether load screenshot for each page of the PDF file. When set to true, the function will return both the layout and screenshot image for each page. Defaults to False. x_tolerance (int, optional): The threshold used for extracting "word tokens" from the pdf file. It will merge the pdf characters into a word token if the difference between the x_2 of one character and the x_1 of the next is less than or equal to x_tolerance. See details in `pdf2plumber's documentation <>`_. Defaults to 1.5. y_tolerance (int, optional): The threshold used for extracting "word tokens" from the pdf file. It will merge the pdf characters into a word token if the difference between the y_2 of one character and the y_1 of the next is less than or equal to y_tolerance. See details in `pdf2plumber's documentation <>`_. Defaults to 2. keep_blank_chars (bool, optional): When keep_blank_chars is set to True, it will treat blank characters are treated as part of a word, not as a space between words. See details in `pdf2plumber's documentation <>`_. Defaults to False. use_text_flow (bool, optional): When use_text_flow is set to True, it will use the PDF's underlying flow of characters as a guide for ordering and segmenting the words, rather than presorting the characters by x/y position. (This mimics how dragging a cursor highlights text in a PDF; as with that, the order does not always appear to be logical.) See details in `pdf2plumber's documentation <>`_. Defaults to True. horizontal_ltr (bool, optional): When horizontal_ltr is set to True, it means the doc should read text from left to right, vice versa. Defaults to True. vertical_ttb (bool, optional): When vertical_ttb is set to True, it means the doc should read text from top to bottom, vice versa. Defaults to True. extra_attrs (Optional[List[str]], optional): Passing a list of extra_attrs (e.g., ["fontname", "size"]) will restrict each words to characters that share exactly the same value for each of those `attributes extracted by pdfplumber <>`_, and the resulting word dicts will indicate those attributes. See details in `pdf2plumber's documentation <>`_. Defaults to `["fontname", "size"]`. dpi (int, optional): When loading images of the pdf, you can also specify the resolution (or `DPI, dots per inch <>`_) for rendering the images. Higher DPI values mean clearer images (also larger file sizes). Setting dpi will also automatically resizes the extracted pdf_layout to match the sizes of the images. Therefore, when visualizing the pdf_layouts, it can be rendered appropriately. Defaults to `DEFAULT_PDF_DPI=72`, which is also the default rendering dpi from the pdfplumber PDF parser. Returns: List[Layout]: When `load_images=False`, it will only load the pdf_tokens from the PDF file. Each element of the list denotes all the tokens appeared on a single page, and the list is ordered the same as the original PDF page order. Tuple[List[Layout], List["Image.Image"]]: When `load_images=True`, besides the `all_page_layout`, it will also return a list of page images. Examples:: >>> import layoutparser as lp >>> pdf_layout = lp.load_pdf("path/to/pdf") >>> pdf_layout[0] # the layout for page 0 >>> pdf_layout, pdf_images = lp.load_pdf("path/to/pdf", load_images=True) >>> lp.draw_box(pdf_images[0], pdf_layout[0]) """ plumber_pdf_object = all_page_layout = [] for page_id in range(len(plumber_pdf_object.pages)): cur_page = plumber_pdf_object.pages[page_id] page_tokens = extract_words_for_page( cur_page, x_tolerance=x_tolerance, y_tolerance=y_tolerance, keep_blank_chars=keep_blank_chars, use_text_flow=use_text_flow, horizontal_ltr=horizontal_ltr, vertical_ttb=vertical_ttb, extra_attrs=extra_attrs, ) # Adding metadata for the current page page_tokens.page_data["width"] = float(cur_page.width) page_tokens.page_data["height"] = float(cur_page.height) page_tokens.page_data["index"] = page_id all_page_layout.append(page_tokens) if not load_images: return all_page_layout else: import pdf2image pdf_images = pdf2image.convert_from_path(filename, dpi=dpi) for page_id, page_image in enumerate(pdf_images): image_width, image_height = page_image.size page_layout = all_page_layout[page_id] layout_width = page_layout.page_data["width"] layout_height = page_layout.page_data["height"] if image_width != layout_width or image_height != layout_height: scale_x = image_width / layout_width scale_y = image_height / layout_height page_layout = page_layout.scale((scale_x, scale_y)) page_layout.page_data["width"] = image_width page_layout.page_data["height"] = image_height all_page_layout[page_id] = page_layout return all_page_layout, pdf_images